Noah and the Ark

There was once a man named Noah.  Noah was a good man who loved God. He was always ready to do what God asked him to do.

But there were also many wicked people in the world.  God was sad to see that the world was no longer a good place in which to live.

God decided to send a flood of water to wash the wicked world away.  He told Noah to build a big, wooden boat called an ark.  It would keep Noah and his family safe.

Noah and his family worked very hard to build the ark.

It took years and years and years.  But, at last, the ark was finished.

Then, Noah and his family collected a lot of food and went into the ark.  And every kind of bird and animal also went into the ark, two by two, a male and a female.

God sent a terrible storm.  It rained and rained and rained for forty days and forty nights.  The whole world was flooded with water.

When the rain stopped falling, Noah sent out a dove.  When the dove came back with a leaf, Noah knew that the ark was near dry land.

Soon, the ark came to rest, and Noah and all the animals came out.  God sent a beautiful rainbow to fill the sky, and life began again in the world.

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