Friends of Jesus

One day, Jesus was walking by a big lake.  He saw a fishing boat by the shore.  Jesus stopped to talk to the fishermen.

The fishermen were busy fixing their nets.  It was hard work, and it hurt their fingers.  They were happy to stop and rest.

The fishermen’s names were Simon and Andrew. They told Jesus that they had been out all night fishing.  But, they had not caught a single fish.

Jesus told the fishermen to row out into the middle of the lake again.  They did not think it would do any good.  But they did as Jesus said.

Simon and Andrew  threw their fishing nets over the side of the boat.  What a surprise! The nets were soon full of hundreds and hundreds of fish!

One of the nets was so heavy that the fishermen could not pull it up into the boat.  They had never caught so many fish before.

Jesus was waiting when the fishermen got back to shore.  He told them to follow him so that they could help him tell people about God.

So, the fishermen left their fishing boats and nets and went with Jesus.  They became his special helpers and friends.  They helped him spread his message about God.


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